Annual meeting 2024


Article 2 – Association and authority

…  The authority of the Association is the Annual meeting, extraordinary member meetings, and the Board.

The Kidlink Association’s 14th Annual Meeting will start on February 1, 2024. The meeting runs in the KA member Google group.
The Annual Meeting minutes will be shared with the members from this page.


Annual Meeting 2024 agenda

  1. Call to order. (February 10) and registration of members participating in the meeting.
  2. Election of meeting chairman (Terry nominated) and secretary (Bonnie nominated).
  3. Election of meeting votes counter (Bonnie nominated, Stellan support person) and Annual meeting minutes verifier (Stellan is nominated, Bonnie support person)
  4. Approval of Annual Meeting Notice ( to be sent at least one month before call of order).
  5. Adoption of the meeting agenda.  
  6. Auditor review and report for 2023
  7. Approving the Annual Report 2023 and Annual Plan 2024
  8. Approving the previous Board’s work. (= grant discharge to the Board)
  9. Establishing membership dues at
  10. Motions from the Board and the Members. AofA revision changes to Article 10 and Article 9 are marked in BLUE color at this link: 
  11. Election of 6 deputy Board members for one-year terms. Nominated are:
    Election of deputy members for one-year terms Govinda Prasad (Nepal), Dung Nguyen (Vietnam), Nirmala Kandasamy (Malaysia), Alice Durgaryan, and Pia Avolio de Martino (Italy), Manoel Araujo Filho(Brasil)..
  12. Confirming current ordinary Board members for four-year terms. Terms go until 2026. Lucine (Russia), ChienWei Hui (Taiwan), Claire Wu (Taiwan). 
  13. Chairperson Bonnie Thurber and deputy chairperson Terry Smith. Treasurer Stellan Kinberg (Italy),  Terms go until 2025.
  14. Election of one auditor (Francesco Schembari, Lipari, nominated)
  15. Who signs for KA.
    Bonnie Thurber (chairperson) and Stellan Kinberg (treasurer) sign individually for Kidlink Association according to AofA article 4.”
  16. Approval of Annual Meeting 2024 Minutes.
  17. Closing of the Annual Meeting. (Approximately at the end of March)


Annual Meeting 2024 documents