wof – Jing Zhang

The Kidlink Wall of Fame

Jing Zhang

Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Jing joined Kidlink as a youth in January, 2005. Already after one month, she signed up as a volunteer. Her contributions are many, and include: 
  • Translation of web pages from English into Simplified Chinese. Jing about translating for Kidlink (November 2005).
  • Recruitment of volunteers and coordination of a team of English to Chinese translators and proof-readers. By the end of 2006, her team counted 38 persons, and Chinese was one of our languages with the most translated pages.
  • During 2006, her team visited a number of local high schools, and gave a series of presentations about Kidlink’s educational contents and goals. Also, in cooperation with local NGOs, she successfully organized rural teaching curriculum development in China.
  • Member of Kidlink Association Board in 2007-2008

Thank you very much!

Odd de Presno
Kidlink Society Executive Director

Stellan Kinberg
Kidlink Association Chairman